The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. Mtt 10:7

Anita D'souza

Whomsoever I met and registered in my mind  so that next time I meet the same time born person I would know what the person is. And I woul

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

I would like to share my testimony on how my life was changed by LORD JESUS CHRIST and the blessings bestowed on me by HIM.

About Me:

I was born in a Christian family.  Since my parents were both working I was left in the care of my uncle (mom’s brother) at the age of 3.5 years.  At the age of 8, my uncle misused me.  As a result I grew in lust and masturbation.  I also felt rejection from my own parents since I was born a girl and the people around me.  In order to avoid rejection I began learning people and ask for the date of birth, month and year with d behave in the way that person would like me to.  This later developed into reading astrology books as I wanted to make friends with people and wanted to feel loved.  I took initiative in helping the miserable people with the knowledge of my astrology studies as well through my experience in learning people.  As the years passed I wanted to get married so I started looking for a partner.  However in a year even though I came across 6 persons in my life I did not love anybody as I felt that everyone just loved my body and not me.  So I rejected them feeling sorry for them.  Then I came across a Hindu man who proposed me and in order to please him I began to go to the temple daily and worshipping the Hindu idols, learnt rangoli and their culture.  But he deceived me.  Therefore I tried committing suicide. However I did not die.  This was the first time the thought came to me that was I chosen? This thought was inspired by the retreat which I had attended.  I just ignored this thought as I felt I was not worthy of it.  Again I came across another man who promised my parents to marry me.  However the life with him was terrible as he seemed to love money more than me.  Therefore I requested my aunt who was a nun to take me to her convent as I would like to be a nun.  However she hurt me saying people with so many affairs cannot become a nun.  I was fully broken.  I said neither I can serve the LORD nor can I be a wife as I was not worthy of the two.  Meantime I was getting evil attacks and I could not sleep.  To feel secure I began reading Bible.  At this point of time my mom invited Br. Robert in our house.

The other aspect of my life was that since the age of 8 I had an urge to know who the real God is.  Every Sunday after the mass I would come home and sing praises to the LORD.  I would share everything with JESUS as I loved the name JESUS and had taken HIM as my dear friend.  I would tell him I don’t want to masturbate but am helpless as I was not able to control myself and I was tired of it.  Please save me.  Also I would tell JESUS, LORD I do not know who is the real GOD.  Muslims says it is Allah and Hindu’s have many so-called gods.  However I would like to worship the TRUE GOD.  Therefore because I cannot live without YOU, I hope YOU are the LIVING GOD because I would find it difficult to worship others.  However in case YOU are not THE LORD then please forgive me as I will leave YOU because I wish to love ONE TRUE GOD. 

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

Before I could meet Br. Robert I said to THE LORD, LORD I do not wish to tell him anything about me.  If he is from YOU then let him tell everything about me and then I will believe that YOU are THE LORD.  To my surprise he told me everything what I was thinking and how I had lived so far and I could feel the Power of GOD in him and I knew that was THE HOLY SPIRIT.  First time in my life I had seen someone from GOD so closely.  He told me he did not wanted to come but JESUS sent him here so that I may be saved.  When HE said JESUS loves me I was so happy that tears started rolling on my cheek.  I was suffering from severe migraine and sinus problems.  THE LORD healed me at the same moment.  From the very day I was set free of masturbation which I was been practicing from 14years and astrology powers.  My joy had no limits.

Later when I came to Goa, Sr. Divine told me that JESUS is angry with me because of the idol worship and I had 7 evil spirits on me.  She told me to read scriptures Mark 5:1-15 for 3 days.  But to stay even a day in the anger of THE LORD was too difficult for me.  I said to THE LORD, YOU said YOU love me and now YOU are angry with me and I wept bitterly in repentance.  Immediately on laying of the hands of Sr. Divine THE LORD set me free.

“... There shall be showers of blessing.” (Ezekiel 24:26)

I had attendance shortage of 57% as I was always out of station attending retreats as I wanted to spend much time with THE LORD.  However THE LORD melted the lecturers’ heart and they blindly gave me the attendance so that I could appear for the exams.

I did not have the hope that I would clear in the final examination.  But THE LORD blessed me with the SECOND RANK in the University Examination.

I refused the authority at the West Zone NSS Camp at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra in the public to worship idols.  However I was selected as THE BEST VOLUNTEER in the same Camp.

I was tired facing interviews and wanted to give up.  On respect to the words of the LORD’s Servants I faced the interview at J P MORGAN.  The interview was very tough and I did not even have the hope of clearing the first round.  However I was selected for the company job which was unbelievable as it was only me who got selected from the B.A graduates.

For a loan to be processed one need to have necessary document like Form 16 of 2 years.  However THE LORD blessed me with a beautiful house with the help of Bank loan even though I did not have these forms.

“... How much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! (Matthew 7:11)

I was very eager to receive THE HOLY SPIRIT.  However due to unforgiveness in me I could not receive HIM.  I prayed LORD I wish to forgive but I am unable to; so please help me to forgive and I wept.  The next day morning when I woke up I could feel burning on my palms.  THE LORD spoke through Br. Robert that HE had blessed me with THE FIRE HOLY SPIRIT and the Gift of Healing.

Later one day when I was travelling from Belgaum to Goa I could not open my eyes clearly and could see fire everywhere.  THE LORD spoke through Sr. Divina that HE had blessed me with the Gift of Vision.

One day as I was praising GOD I felt someone was hitting on my shoulders and pulling my hands upward.  The next moment I found myself dancing for THE LORD.  I could not even control myself; I had never danced like that before.  THE LORD spoke through Sr. Divina that HE had blessed me with THE DANCING HOLY SPIRIT.

Now I wished that I could speak in tongues.  I learnt from Divine Retreat Centre that if one praises continuously he gets this Gift.  So here I was blessed with the Gift of Tongues.

Day by day I wished to be closer to GOD.  At this point of time I received a book from Br. Robert on HOLY SPIRIT written by Benny Hinn.  In that I read that he speaks to THE Holy Spirit and one need to speak to HIM.  So I tried. I said to THE HOLY SPIRIT Benny Hinn says so; therefore I wish to feel YOU.  Immediately I could feel that something was happening in my mouth as though it was getting out of shape.  Immediately I gave a call to Sr. Divina and THE LORD spoke through her that HE had put FIRE in my mouth.  Praise GOD.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us “. (Romans 8:18)

‘But it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which GOD has prepared for those who love HIM”’. (1 Corinthians 2:9)