Q: Is all witchcraft bad?
Hello, I am a pre-teen with a question, I need to ask you. Is all witchcraft bad? In recent shows(which I have found entertaining) such as 'Charmed' on the WB network have portrayed three young woman as nice people who inhertit 'gifts' from their mother and other ancestors. They have a duty to protect mankind from all evil. It is never made clear whether or not they are pagan or Christian.(I by the way am Christian) Is this portayal accurate? Are some witches Christian and nice? Thank you and please e-mail me soon.
A: Dear pre-teen,
Greeting in the name of Jesus. According to the Word of God all kind of witchcraft (voodoo, black or white magic), any charms for protection or destruction all are bad no matter what and no matter how the witches represent it to deceive the people.
Christian people do not need any protection from Satan's side. God is greater than the defeated Satan, also God's angel are stronger than Satan's army (evil spirits).
According to Psalms 34:7 God's angel guards those who honor the Lord and rescues them from danger.
We should not follow those people that disobedient the Lord, no matter how nice they are or claim they are Christian or have a gift from mother or ancestor. Those kind of the gift directly comes from Satan not God. Some of the witches claim they are Christian but they are not, they are wolves in sheep skin. According to the Bible Christians should never get involved with witchcraft of any kind even for the good purposes like white magic.
God bless. Truth team
Q: Is it possible for a home or any object to be possessed, or is demon possession strictly something that can only happen in people?
A: Yes, any place, any object and any person can be possessed or be under the influence by evil spirits. In case of objects dedicated to demons (idols, artifacts, etc.), the best course of action is to destroy them. However, it is well to check secondhand cars, things getting from garage sales, homes, and apartments also, because; - If the former owners or tenants had Satan worshipping, witchcraft practices, calling the spirits, Ouija boards, or other occult paraphernalia, or were involved in serious bondage to sin, then there is every reason to suspect that evil spirits could be lingering behind. These spirits can and will cause trouble to the new owners or whom are living there.
All Christians must keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit constitute prayers and / or worship to demons. It open the way for evil spirits to have access to that place or person. Very often, these are answered in the form of curses, for demons can and do respond to those who have request of them. Remember also, that the one offering the false prayer, may be utterly deceived and think they pray to God, but the results are the same in either case. When detected, curses must be broken in order to rout the demons. We suggest that, two believers go on a mission such as this, with bible in their hand. The verses from scripture may be read aloud in unison or separately. Pray for discernment of spirits and for God to reveal objects which may have occult spirits and power, to be destroyed. Look for little Mexican sun gods, idols, incense, Buddha, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, Ouija boards, anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, and so on. Books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms (mood rings, four leaf clovers, rabbit's foot, horse shoes), Cult religions, Eastern religion or any teaching such as Zen, Tao, Buddha, Hare Krishna, Transcendental meditation, I Ching, Reincarnation, Karma, Yoga, Kabala, Metaphysics, Christians Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, New age, any philosophy that denies deity of the Lord Jesus, rock and roll records and tapes all fall in the category of things which have been often loaded with evil spiritual power.
You must verbally denounce Satan and his power and all of his demon hosts and claim authority as a believer-priest, because of the name of Jesus Christ and authority of His shed blood. After prayer, let the believers alternate reading Scriptures preferably in every room of the house or apartment and claim the cleansing of the area by demanding in Jesus name that the angels of the Lord be in charge to capture the evil spirits and imprison them until the Judgement day.
Some Scripture which has proven useful in this include: Isaiah 8:9,10; Colossians 2:14, 15; Philippians 2:9-11; Galatians 3:13; Revelation 12:11; Revelation 22:3; Deuteronomy 21:23; Deuteronomy 32:5; Numbers 23:8; II Samuel 7:29; Psalm 124; Psalm 148; Psalm 150; Psalm 91; Psalm 149: 5-9.
According to James 5:14 you may call for the elders of the church or those whom have experience in Deliverance Ministry and let them pray over the house or apartment and anoint it with oil in the name of Jesus. The door lintel and window sills must be anointed by touching them with olive oil which is symbol of the Holy Spirit. Other things such as statues, secondhand cars or things bought from garage sale or other places should be anointed in Jesus name too. Each thing and area should be claimed as ground for the Lord and taken back from Satan and his demons. Any known sins or occult connections should be renounced and confessed as sin and put away. Any specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should be denounced by name (Proverbs 3:33).
The Grecian had a phylactos for protection. The Italian Horn or Cornu (a wiggly horn) is sometimes worn alone or in combination with a cross. Another charm supposed to work against the evil eye is the Manu Cornatu or the Hand. There is an amulet called a Fig (a fist with index and little finger up and the two middle fingers held down by thumb). It is sometimes called a Mano (to make a fig with the hand). This sign is used as a "goat's head" by Satan worshippers and also as an obscene gesture. Another thing commonly seen is Ankh symbol of lust and Egyptian fertility goddess. One branch of witches called Alexandrians combine a rose with five petals with the Ankh. It is a cross with an oval loop on top and a ram or goat's head is worn by Satan worshippers. This is a symbol of fertility and lust too. All the sign of Zodiac are rooted in the Babylon system so hated by God. Copper rings, bracelets and necklaces are advertised as "good luck" or "healing" articles. Turquoise jewelry fashioned in American Indian witchcraft designs are among those accursed objects and unfortunately have flooded the land. These, cause legal grounds and legal holds to be given to the demons for attaching on their dupes, their homes and families. A nationally distributed brand of jewelry is manufactured by a witches' coven. Similarly a popular cosmetic company is on of the leading pushers of zodiac and other occult jewelry. Believers should avoid anything having to do with such abominations as astrology and horoscopes (Deuteronomy 4:19; 18:10; Isaiah 47:13).
Some object particularly rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry which has been given to a person by someone in witchcraft will have curses and / or bondage in them.
The occult (hidden secret) realm belongs to Satan and the demons and those involved are damaged by the contact. They receive a curse from God to the third and fourth generation. Occult dabbling will lead to all sort of problems from physical sickness to moral and mental troubles.
The Bible speaks of the danger of ignorance, in God's people (Hosea 4:6) and how risky it is even to bring things God classes as abomination into our homes (Deuteronomy 7:25, 26). Unfortunately, our generation is so ignorant of God's Word that it has been quite simple for Satan to attack us, almost at will. Many unknowingly invite demonic attack by dabbling in jewelry with occult symbolism and power.
An amulet (are said to guard against the third or "evil eye" used in witchcraft to inflict injury or harm) is worn to ward off evil spirits, while a talisman supposedly transmits power to the wearer. Often it is covered with figures or words which are alleged to bring good luck and avert evil. It is an insult of God for believers to wear such trinkets when they have a marvelous promise per Psalm 50:15 and 91:2, 11.
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