Let’s face it friend one day we are going to die. The Question is: Are You Saved!! It is Not a Question of how Good you are, Nor if you are a Church member, but are You Saved. Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die? Do you know where you will spend all Eternity when you die?
Friend, The TRUTH is there are only two options.
Heaven or Hell.
Hell is a real place of torment, weeping, gnashing of teeth, fire, and brimstone. Revelation 14:11 and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: And they have no rest day nor night.
God loves you so much. The Creator of the universe (Jesus Christ) came to save you from that horrible place. Jesus Christ who is God in human form died in our place so that we could be SAVED!.
Jesus Christ HAD No SIN- He was perfect. All our sins were placed on Him. Each one of us has broken God's commandments- None of us is perfect. When He suffered and died He was taking upon Himself the punishment we deserve.
You and I only deserve judgment and hell
but He took our judgment upon Himself. The Bible says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21). He took our place!
Why did He do this?
He did it because of love! He loves us, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Sin is serious—so serious that it sent Jesus christ to the cross. But God's love is greater, and because of Jesus' death and resurrection we can be saved.
My friend, believe on Jesus Christ and receive Him as Savior today Don't wait until its to late. If you would like to begin a new life, and a Relationship with Jesus Christ, And You want to be saved than simply say this prayer from ALL your heart and mean it.
Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life RIGHT now don't wait until its too late. Jesus is anxiously waiting to meet you! His arms are open wide!
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of Lords, I come to You today, giving you all that I am. I Repent of all my sins & confess that I need You I believe You died & rose for me. Be my Lord & Savior & make me New today. I receive Your love & Your Gift of Eternal life.”In Jesus Name Amen.
If you meant that with all your heart. YOU are Saved. You have caused quite a party in heaven. You have caused the angels to sing & rejoice. I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:10 Congratulations & WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD. You have made a true & lasting friend, one that will never abandon you. Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 11:19
After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:Pray -- you talk to God. Read your Bible -- God talks to you. Witness -- you talk for God. And Remember- Always Keep God frist place in your life & tell other's about Jesus Christ & how he can SAVE.
Let’s face it friend one day we are going to die. The Question is: Are You Saved!! It is Not a Question of how Good you are, Nor if you are a Church member, but are You Saved. Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die? Do you know where you will spend all Eternity when you die?
Friend, The TRUTH is there are only two options.
Heaven or Hell.
Hell is a real place of torment, weeping, gnashing of teeth, fire, and brimstone. Revelation 14:11 and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: And they have no rest day nor night.
God loves you so much. The Creator of the universe (Jesus Christ) came to save you from that horrible place. Jesus Christ who is God in human form died in our place so that we could be SAVED!.
Jesus Christ HAD No SIN- He was perfect. All our sins were placed on Him. Each one of us has broken God's commandments- None of us is perfect. When He suffered and died He was taking upon Himself the punishment we deserve.
You and I only deserve judgment and hell
but He took our judgment upon Himself. The Bible says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21). He took our place!
Why did He do this?
He did it because of love! He loves us, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Sin is serious—so serious that it sent Jesus christ to the cross. But God's love is greater, and because of Jesus' death and resurrection we can be saved.
My friend, believe on Jesus Christ and receive Him as Savior today Don't wait until its to late. If you would like to begin a new life, and a Relationship with Jesus Christ, And You want to be saved than simply say this prayer from ALL your heart and mean it.
Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life RIGHT now don't wait until its too late. Jesus is anxiously waiting to meet you! His arms are open wide!
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of Lords, I come to You today, giving you all that I am. I Repent of all my sins & confess that I need You I believe You died & rose for me. Be my Lord & Savior & make me New today. I receive Your love & Your Gift of Eternal life.”In Jesus Name Amen.
If you meant that with all your heart. YOU are Saved. You have caused quite a party in heaven. You have caused the angels to sing & rejoice. I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:10 Congratulations & WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD. You have made a true & lasting friend, one that will never abandon you. Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 11:19
After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:Pray -- you talk to God. Read your Bible -- God talks to you. Witness -- you talk for God. And Remember- Always Keep God frist place in your life & tell other's about Jesus Christ & how he can SAVE.
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