Father,we come before your Throne and we bow down in adoration and obedience before you! As we bow low we realize our desperate need for your holy grace in this new season in our lives which is a needful season of cha...nge.
The leaves are falling from many trees throughout the earth which is a result... of the trees death cycle and oh what a beautiful display of death in many parts of the earth!!!! Thank you Father for the beauty in the death cycle displayed by your beautiful created trees here below!
As the leaves are falling they remind me of the beauty in the falling away of our old flesh which must die before your Throne everyday of the year !!!
Father,teach us to embrace all the changes entering into our lives only you know what is best for us and you completely watch out for us.
It is good for us to trust you completely and allow the spirit winds of change breathe fresh and new life into our vessels and cause our flesh to die daily and be prepared for the next season coming our way!!
Father! we die to all of our flesh mess and allow you to consume it in the fire of your love and forgiveness and oh! how good it feels to shed the toxic flesh before your holy consuming graceful throne!Only then will we appreciate the full beauty in dieing daily to our flesh.
O Father we fall before your face in true repentance and great sorrow for the sins that polluted our lives and that has robbed our spiritual beings. We embrace this new season and all four seasons in the earth.We are resting in complete assurance knowing that every season in our lives are wonderful seasons that you richly ordained for us!!!
We greatly praise you for our timely season because it is your perfect will for each of us! Yes!!! we completely surrender to the God of the four seasons in the earth and also to the numerous seasons of change in our personal lives!!!
We give you all the Glory and all the Praise in Jesus Holy name Amen and Amen!

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